Pool Therapy / Aquatic Therapy

Our personal training, kinesiology services, gym based exercise therapy, pool therapy/aqua therapy/hydro therapy are provided by a registered kinesiologist or certified instructor.

Pool therapy, also known as aquatic therapy, is a form of physical therapy that takes place in a pool. This type of therapy can be particularly beneficial for those with injuries or conditions that make it difficult to exercise on land. The buoyancy of the water reduces stress on the joints and muscles, making it easier to move and exercise.

At Rebound Health and Fitness, our pool therapy sessions are led by an experienced kinesiologists who are trained to work with clients of all ages and abilities. Our pool therapy sessions may include exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular fitness, as well as specific exercises to address your individual needs and goals.

Our pool therapy services can be particularly helpful for those undergoing ICBC active rehab, as well as those with sports injuries, chronic pain, or conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. Our mobile services mean that we can bring our pool therapy sessions to community centres in Surrey or even to your own home if you have access to a home pool, making it easy to fit exercise into your busy schedule.

If you're looking for a low-impact, effective form of therapy that can help you recover from an injury, manage pain, or improve your overall fitness, consider giving pool therapy a try with Rebound Health and Fitness.